Reservation of accommodation for Guca Trumpet Festival on: +381-64-555-8581; or email:

Showing posts with label sabor trubaca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sabor trubaca. Show all posts

Šaban Bajramović - The King of Roma music

Šaban Bajramović is the most prolific and the most celebrated Roma singer, composer and poet in the Balkans. Among thousands of articles and studies written throughout the world about this author, there is not a single one which does not link his name with the expression "The King of Roma music".

Šaban Bajramović was born on April 16, 1936 in Niš (Serbia). He almost did not attend the school while picking up musical education, alike many of his people, on street.

When he was nineteen, he deserted the army because of love, and later was sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Goli Otok isolation facility on an island in the Adriatic sea. However, as he told the military court that there was no sentence long enough for him to serve it, the sentence was extended to five and a half years.

However, while serving his sentence at the Goli Otok facility, Šaban Bajramović founded a prison band which played, among other music, jazz, Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra songs, as well as Spanish and Mexican melodies. Nowadays, he says that Goli Otok was his life-university, where he formed the way he thinks. He made his first record in 1964, and nowadays, his discography consists of some twenty albums and more then fifty singles. He wrote and composed, as he said, about seven hundred songs. For more than twenty years, he has led “Crna Mamba” (Black Mamba), touring half of the world with the band. Upon invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, he visited India, where he was named for The King of the Gypsy World Music.

Dejan Petrović, pobednik Guče i majstor trube

Dejan Lazarević: Uskoro će svetlost dana ugledati novi CD sa specifičnim balkanskim zvukom koji je Lazarević radio u saradnji sa popularnim čačanskim bendom (Prilog:

Dejan Petrović već spremio repertoar

- Nastupićemo verovatno u nešto modernijoj varijanti na ovogodišnjem Saboru trubača. Naravno, srpska tradicija je deo svakog našeg nastupa, ali ove godine ćemo koncert obogatiti novim numerama, veoma zanimljivim. Planirano goste, u svakom slučaju obećavamo odličnu zabavu i kvalitetan program - kaže Lazarević. On dodaje da bi ga radovalo da u Guču dođu zvučna imena poput filmske dive Džulije Roberts, pa ako se to obistini, Lazarević će kao i njegov kolega biti spreman.

Dejan Petrović u Vršcu Najmlađi i višestruki pobednik Sabora trubača u Guči i prva truba sveta Dejan Petrović održaće sa svojim Big bendom veliki koncert u hali “Milenijum” u Vršcu 10. marta. - Kao i sve dosadašnje, i ovaj koncert posvećujem svojoj ćerki Jovani, najvećoj radosti i najvećem pokretaču u životu. Mnoge sam želje ispunio, ostala je još jedna, a to je svetska karijera. Želim da autentičan zvuk srpske trube pronesem svetom - kaže Dejan Petrović. 

S. M. - Imamo repertoar i za popularnu glumicu. Samo neka dođe, biće oduševljena - poručuje Lazarević. Treći Dejan - Jevđić, upotpuniće muzički nastup velikana trube. Najmlađi u svetu nagrada za izvođenje na limenim instrumentima Dejan Jevđić je sa orkestrom “Zao Taro lajt” prošle godine podigao Zlatnu trubu Sabora. - Radimo predano. Svakodnevno vežbamo za Guču, a mene posebno raduje činjenica da ću nastupati sa imenjacima Lazarevićem i Petrovićem. 

Moramo za taj koncert da odaberemo najbolji repertoar i budemo posebno dobri. Nema sumnje, ljubiteljima trube ostaće u pamćenju planirana svirka jer nagrade najbolje govore o kvalitetu trubača - kaže Jevđić. Koncert trojice Dejana, trubačkih superstarova, novina je ove godine. Dosad su najbolji svirali na ponoćnom koncertu, a “Tri D” upriličen je kao poseban poklon organizatora ljubiteljima trube.


History of Guča Festival

The traditional Dragačevo trumpet - its cult kept alive for nearly two centuries regardless of political and social considerations - has with time become world-renowned. It is owing to the trumpet that the name of Serbia has resounded worldwide, in all the continents. Some orchestras, when they appear on stage, whether for official competition national dress, the authentic and indigenous dances and other folk inspired elements, coupled with music, have become an integral part of national gathering.

The virtuoso music performers, the trumpet players to the paradox and make the story more authentic - are for the most part fully self-taught. They play by ear and quite spontaneously, relying on their musical memory; they play from the heart and soul, and their music reaches out to listeners precisely for this quality. The Gucha Assembly of Trumpet Players continues to grow year after year: today, this musical feast of recognizable national skills is more popular, more diverse and bigger than ever before.

The first Dragacevo Assembly of Trumpet Players was held on October 16, 1961 in the yard of the Church of Sts. Michael and Gabriel in Gucha. Initially, it was a very modest Assembly - almost subversive for the prevailing political circumstances of that time. However, the Assembly gradually grew and expanded its, one might say, magical influence, and over the past ten or so years has become the folk remained its key symbol and raison detre, it is no longer held solely for the trumpet players. It grew into an Assembly of toastmasters, painters, song "Sa Ovcara I Kablara", marks the beginning of the festival each year. Some church music festivals notwithstanding, the Assembly of Trumpet Players is the best know event of this kind extending uninterruptedly for 43 years and attracting guests and musicians alike from every continent. Trumpet players and folk song and dance groups from around the world deem it a great honor to be invited to the Assembly, and the number of v visitors increases with each coming year. The record was set in 2002, when Gucha hosted in excess of 300.000 visitors.

With considerable experience in organizing Assemblies, today the traditionally hospitable Gucha has earned its place on the map of world music festivals, inviting high interest from ethno music lovers, and deservedly so. As an internationally recognized trumpet capital, and a singular corner of positive energy, a place with accumulated joy, gaiety and spontaneity, coupled with the piercing yet gentle sound of the trumpet, Gucha is a place of catharsis of the heart and soul while the festival lasts. All this is more than enough to attract visitors to Gucha each Mexico, Spain, Greece, Denmark, China and many other close or distant countries. The names of Boban Markovic, Milan Mladenovic, Ekrem Sajdic, Elvis Ajdinovic, Fejat and Zoran Sejdic have carried the glory of the Serbian trumpet across the world. Some 600,000 visitors are expected at the next, and 50th Assembly. That would be very impressive indeed, would it not?

Day trip to Ovčarsko Kablar canyon

Day trip to Ovcarsko Kablar canyon - Trumpet Festival It is located in central Serbia, where the Morava river between the mountains and Shepherd Kablar gorge cuts an imposing shadow scale in forest on the banks of the river, the small plateau close to the rocks and hiding the 11 medieval monasteries, the unique place where there are time when they occur. On the left side of the Western Morava are the Annunciation, Ilinje, Savinja Nikolje, Assumption and Jovanje, and on the right the Temple, Trinity, Transfiguration, Assumption and the Presentation.

The gorge is located Shepherd and Spa. After a stormy night in Guca, you'll benefit from a break and rest in the beautiful nature that has not been disturbed by human factor. Excursion program: Departing from Guca in 8:00 am, comfortable tourist bus. Arrival at the Spa Shepherd around 8:45 pm, a tour (in a tourist guide) very small town, visiting the monastery of the Transfiguration, Presentation, Ascension, Nikolje. Driving through the canyon on a raft in the Western Morava. Lunch at the restaurant "House" (the menu is arranged in advance if you wish), located on the banks of the river. Ability to visit Wellness center or outdoor swimming pool with thermal water. During the individual time, lasting two hours. Departing in Guca at 17.00 h. Arrival in Guca in 17:45. Tour Price: 30 € The price includes:- Transportation of tourist bus - Admission to the National Park - Lunch at the restaurant "Dom" - Drive-raft -Tourist Guide - Organization If you interesting for reservation of apartment in Guča, you can contact us by email on or calling number +381.64.555.85.81.

Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch (Guča Festival)

400000 junge Leute kommen jedes Jahr im August nach Guča, wenn die besten Blaskapellen um die Wette spielen. Hardrocker, Folkloregruppen, Hippies und Kampftrinker flippen aus.

Übernachtet haben wir in der Wohnung des Polizeichefs, im geräumten Kinderzimmer, unter einem Poster von Harry Potters Freundin Hermine, wohlwollend beäugt von rosa und hellblauen Kuscheltieren. Einen behüteteren Ort kann man in Guča kaum finden. Die Fotos der Polizeicheftöchter stehen, gerahmt in rotem Kunstleder, auf einem Häkeldeckchen. Für ein paar Tage sind die Mädchen bei auswärtigen Verwandten untergebracht. So macht man das hier Jahr für Jahr am letzten Augustwochenende, wenn in das 3000-Einwohner-Dorf plötzlich 400000 Blasmusikverrückte einfallen. Guča liegt in der tiefsten serbischen Provinz, dreieinhalb Autostunden südlich von Belgrad. Es gibt dort ein einziges Hotel mit 40 Betten, ein weiteres wird gerade gebaut. Da kann sich glücklich schätzen, wer auf der Klappliege in einer Privatwohnung untergekommen ist.
In den Tagen des großen Blasmusikfestivals wird in Guča nämlich überall geschlafen: auf den Wiesen am Ortsrand, die sich in riesige Zeltplätze verwandeln; in Schulen und Turnhallen, in denen die Luft morgens zum Schneiden stickig ist; zu zweit unter Wolldecken im Auto; allein neben der leeren Schnapsflasche in Hauseingängen oder mitten auf dem zentralen Dorfplatz zwischen Glasscherben, Plastikmüll und Bierlachen am Sockel des berühmten Denkmals mit dem goldenen Trompeter.
Nur der Polizeichef findet keinen Schlaf. Jede Nacht dreht er erst zur frühen Morgenstunde den Schlüssel in seiner Wohnungstür, drei Stunden später ist er schon wieder auf dem Weg zum Dienst. Auch in seinem Büro kann man ihn nicht treffen. "Viel Arbeit, schlechte Nachrichten", sagt seine Frau, die das Frühstück für die Gäste zubereitet. Am Montag steht es in der Zeitung: Zwei verfeindete Jugendbanden sind beim Festival aneinandergeraten, ein Jugendlicher wurde bei der Messerstecherei getötet. Im letzten Jahr waren es die jugendlichen Alkoholraser, die dem Polizisten den Schlaf raubten. Auf den kleinen, kurvenreichen Landstraßen fahren sie im Suff gegen Bäume und brechen sich die Hälse.
Den legendären Ruf der Festtage von Guča können solche hässlichen Zwischenfälle nicht beschädigen. Guča gilt als das größte und wildeste Blasmusikspektakel der Welt. Die ganze Region strömt herbei und junge Leute aus aller Welt. Das Festival sei das wichtigste und authentischste Symbol serbischer Kreativität, erklärt der aus Belgrad angereiste Staatsminister. Die Trompete mache gesund und vertreibe alle Neurosen, sagt einer der Gründer: »Guča ist Ausdruck serbischer Lebensfreude.« Wie viel das Bier und der Rakija zum Ruhm der Veranstaltung beitragen, braucht niemand extra zu betonen: Jeder weiß, dass Guča ein Massenbesäufnis ist.
In nüchternen Worten lässt sich der Anlass des Festes so beschreiben: Zwanzig serbische Musikkapellen kommen zu einem Bläserwettstreit zusammen. Zuvor haben sie sich in regionalen Vorausscheidungen qualifiziert. Der Sieger gewinnt die begehrte goldene Trompete. Über fünf Tage erstreckt sich das Rahmenprogramm mit Trachtenauftritten, Umzügen und Rummelplatzvergnügen. Der Wettbewerb selbst wird in wenigen Stunden am letzten Tag abgewickelt, denn es geht in erster Linie um anderes: durchtanzte Nächte, Rausch, Enthemmung. Sex and drugs and Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch.
Das Festival ist fest in der Hand der Zigeunerbands aus dem Süden und Westen des Landes. Sie stellen fast alle Teilnehmer, geben mit ihren übermütig ratternden Tänzen, den Cočeks und Kolos den Ton an. Von schmissigen Synkopen wird ihre Musik vorangetrieben. Die Basstuba bollert wie Ausbeulungsarbeiten auf dem Autoschrottplatz. Über den pumpenden Rhythmen erhebt sich das orientalisch klingende Melodiegewusel der Trompeten. Im Vergleich zum Wespentemperament einer serbischen Gipsy-Band wirken bayerische Bierzeltkapellen so behäbig wie halb tote Stubenfliegen auf ihrem letzten Flug. Verwegene Typen sind die Musiker allesamt. Für Guča haben sie sich die gelockten schwarzen Haare extranass in den Nacken gegelt, ihre Nadelstreifenanzüge oder cremefarbenen Leinenwesten angezogen und die eleganten Schuhe übergestreift. An den Schuhen kann man jeden Gipsy-Trompeter erkennen: Spitz und lang müssen sie sein und am besten aus Schlangenleder. Guča ist eine große Chance für die Musiker. Wer hier auffällt oder gar den Wettbewerb gewinnt, braucht sich um lukrative Engagements bei Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen keine Sorgen mehr zu machen.

Guča The Best festival in the World

This year's Festival in Guča will be opened on August 5th by Emir Kusturica, a worldwide famous film maker. As it has been announced, he will also perform a music show with his “No smoking orchestra” on August 8th, after the competition of the foreign orchestras. Every year in August the sleepy town of Guča turns into a big party, the air is filled with the sound of trumpets and smell of grilled meat, streets with dancing and drinking people... More than 600,000 visitors make their way to the town of 2,000 people, both from Serbia and abroad. 

Elimination heats earlier in the year mean only a few dozen bands get to compete. Guča's official festival is split into three parts. Friday's opening concert, Saturday night celebrations and Sunday's competition. Friday's concerts are held at the entrance to the official Guča Festival building. This event features previous winners, each band getting to play three tunes while folk dancers, all kitted out in bright knitting patterns, dance kolos and oros in front of a hyped-up audience.

An English party site,, has named Guča the best festival in the world.

Forget Glastonbury, Reading, Burning Man and Coachella: "The wildest music festival on earth is a cacophonic and crazy brass band festival that takes place every summer in the tiny Serbian town of Guča in the western region of Dragačevo".

Sightseeing four days of old Serbian town

Day 1th: Arrival in Belgrade. Accommodation in the hotel; Dinner; Spare time; Overnight.

Day 2nd: Belgrade - Valjevo - National Park Tara - Belgrade: Breakfast. Sightseeing with a professional tourist guide. Route: the City Parliament, the Federal Parliament, Terazije Square, Republic Square, Students' Square, Belgrade Fortress, City Gate ["Varos kapija"], New Belgrade, Topcider Hill, Dedinje, Oslobodjenje Square, Slavija Square, Nikola Pasic Square.

Trip continues towards Valjevo. Sight - seeing: Old Serbian town Tesnjar, Muselin's Residential House, Poetry Square ["Trg Pesnistva"] - a monument dedicated to a Serbian poet Desanka Maksimovic, Vojvoda Misic Square [a Serbian field marshal]; visit to the monasteries Celije and Lelic. Lunch in Serbian national restaurant [facultative]. Trip continues towards National Park Tara. Arrival in the hotel Omorika is planned in afternoon; accommodation; dinner.

Day 3rd: Tara Mountain. Breakfast in the hotel. Departure to Perucac; visit to the river Vrelo with beautiful waterfalls, and the river godina [365m long; godina: year]. Continuing our trip, we visit Mitrovac and "carpet meadow" and observation deck "Banjska stena". Return to hotel; dinner; overnight.

Day 4th Mountains Tara - Zlatibor - Mokra Gora. Mountain Tara: Breakfast in the hotel; checkout. Excursion to the Rača Monastery and the spring of thermal water "Ladjevac" located near the monastery. Trip with beautiful panorama sight - seeing continues towards Zlatibor Mountain. Arrival to Mokra Gora.

Visit to the Drvengrad, film city of Emir Kusturica. Watching the projection of the latest documentary film by Emir Kusturica. Lunch is planned [optionally] in the ethno restaurant of this unique film city.

Boarding the old type train "Cira" and driving along the famous "Sarganska osmica" - the narrow - gage railroad, shaped in number eight, long 15km with 22 tunnels, many viaducts and bridges and it represents the greatest tourist attraction in Europe at the moment. Stops are on the places with spectacular views, and also on the place where film "Zivot je čudo" [Life is a miracle] by Emir Kusturica is made. Return to Zlatibor and accommodation in the hotel. Dinner; Overnight.

Day 5th: Mountain Zlatibor - Belgrade. Breakfast. Checkout.
Visit to the Ovcarsko - kablarska Gorge, called "Serbian Mount Athos" for its unique monasteries. Arrival in Belgrade in the afternoon.

One day tour River Tara

One day tour along most exciting and most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km:
- starting from Belgrade early in the morning and traveling via Uzice, Višegrad and Foca to the camp. Meeting with our hosts and surroundings.
- breakfast till 10: 30 - specialty of domestic kitchen,
- changing of wardrobe into rafting equipment. Each participant gets neoprene suit, neoprene boots, life jacket and adventure starts,
- transportation by jeeps and vans to Brštenovica starting point of our friendship with River Tara till 11:30h,
- formation of the rafting teams, introduction to the skipper and basics of rafting and team work. Capacity of the boats in 10 - 12 persons and it is very important to obey skipper's instruction,
- on board to 12:00h rs and rafting starts on the most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km where are a lot of exciting experience is expected as rapids Celije, Vjernovice grade 5, Borovi, Varda, Cegrlo grade 4, and other 17 which aren't to be underestimated.
- rafting lasts around 3, 5 hours with brakes for swimming and rest in Kulina, Manita vrela, Šipcanica streams,
- arrival at Camp Sastavci around 16:00h and change of wardrobe,
- lunch - specialties of domestic and oriental kitchen, Rafting soup, rousted lamb,
- rest after lunch and departure of Rafters.


It is not said without reason, that on the territory of present Serbia, throughout the history, a collision between the worlds and civilizations, the West Roman Catholic and East Orthodox religion, the Ottoman and Hungarian Empire is taking place. However, there are numerous paradoxes.

From time immemorial, many people have visited us. Both invited and uninvited were coming. Legends were written and testimonies of their time were built. Therefore, now Days in this ambiance you will find the most beautiful combination of old and contemporary - the East on the West and the West on the East

Duration of the program: 6 Days / 5 nights

Day 1th: Arrival in Belgrade and accommodation in the hotel. Our professional guide will acquaint you with the details of the program which will be fulfilled during your stay. Depending on the time of the arrival, lunch or dinner will be organized.

Day 2nd: Breakfast. Departure to Vršac. Vrsac is a beautiful city in Vojvodina, located on the very border with Romania, and known, above all, after its vineyards. Data inform us that the grapevine has been grown in this area for over twenty centuries. But before you "start flying up in the sky" on the wine way, Vršac should be discovered! Town of spiritual culture, theatre tradition, great writers and bohemians…

Route starts with visiting St. Nikolaj Church, Vladicanski dvor [Bishop Court], Magistrate, Cathedral, Vršac Museum, and significant "Pharmacy on the stairs", the oldest pharmacy in the Balkans. Then its scheduled visit of the Monastery Mesic [15th century], located not far from Vršac.

Afterwards its time for discovering cafés in Vršac! This enjoyable route starts with restaurant "St. Nikola", exclusive for many things, which date back to 18th century. From there, we move spontaneously on the wine way, which directly leads into the cellars of "Vrsac vineyards", wine producing company with up - to - date equipment for winemaking. Passing throughout the wine plantations occupying area of 1700 hectares, we arrive in the old famous cellar in Gudurica village, where we can finally taste everything we have talked about. We prepared the best sorts for dear guests, and after being friends with the wine for a long time, we are going back to Belgrade - hotel.

Day 3rd: Breakfast. Departure to Banja Koviljaca [spa]. Wherever you go from Belgrade, you will discover that Serbia is luxurious and healing. Under the wooded Mountain Gučevo and in the middle of a hundred year old park, with lots of thermo mineral springs you will discover beautiful Banja Koviljaca, also known as the Royal spa.
After leaving Belgrade, we will arrive in Ruma, where we will take direction Sabac - Loznica - Banja Koviljaca, located in Western Serbia. Relaxation with refreshment after few hours of drive will be in the restaurant on the terrace of comfortable "Villa Dalmacija", and you will specially enjoy a hundred - year - old spa park. Or maybe you wish to try pearl bath, Royal bath, swimming in thermal water pool or at least try the effect of healing mud [peloid] on your body in the wellness center in Banja Koviljaca.

Your muscles will relax, your blood will circulate, while your mind will clear up, and all the consequences of the stress will be in the past. Lunch is planned here, after which we return to Belgrade. On our way back we visit Trsic, a birth place and birth house of Vuk Karadzic and the Tronosa Monastery, foundation of the Nemanjics Royal Family. In the evening we arrive in Belgrade. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 4th: Breakfast. Departure to the Country Club hotel Babe.
In Country Club hotel Babe we will spend a day and have lunch. The hotel offers two pools in the open, small football pitch, two professional tennis courts, basketball, handball and volleyball playing fields, volleyball sand terrain, trim track, walking paths, the lake for sport fishing, paddock, and marked paths for horse riding.

The thoroughbred horse farm is a special attraction for the guests, where the team of experienced instructors will teach you the basics of riding, and show the paths through the beautiful nature of the hotel complex to the excellent horsemen. During the stay we will go to the nearby mountain Kosmaj and visit the Monastery Tresije. Return to Belgrade in the evening, dinner and overnight.

Day 5th: After the breakfast in the hotel we begin familiarizing with Belgrade. Belgrade should be first experienced from the rivers. Therefore we will start the cruising from the Danube quay. Sailing along the Danube to the confluence of the Sava into the Danube, then to Zemun, Big War Island, Sport Center "May 25th", beneath Belgrade bridges, Cukarica branch, river islands Ada Ciganlija and Ada Medjica. The sailing is 18km long and it lasts 3 hours. The lunch of Serbian national cuisine will be served on the ship along with the tasting of several sorts of domestic brandy [rakija].

Spare time and possibility of choosing sport activities; walking and bicycling paths along the Sava banks are at your disposal. For those who enjoy watching the Sava and the life on water there are numerous boat - restaurants on water you can visit. Dinner. Overnight in the hotel.

Day 6th: Breakfast. Checkout.

Eastern Serbia

Experience the wild beauty of the unspoiled mountain regions of Eastern Serbia. Follow the trails where adventure awaits at every step. Have a unique experience on the mountain slopes of Eastern Serbia, as you admire the scenic views and routes of the region. Enrich yourselves with a taste of life in the Balkans. Take a piece of Serbia with You.

Tour highlights:
- wonderful Mountainside of Suva and Stara Planina,
- Zavojsko and Smilevsko Lake,
- zaskoci Waterfalls,
- wild nature with phenomenal scenic routes,
- climb to the peak of Mt. Midžor,
- poganovo and St. George Monasteries,
- niška and Zvonačka Banja Spas, who specialize in the treatment of cardio, rheumatic and stress related diseases,
- prolom Banja Spa with mineral springs which improve the digestive system,
- Rajac breweries and wine cellars from 19th century,
- Romuliana Residency of the Roman Emperor Maximilian,
- visit to the Roman Imperial City Naissus [Niš], where Emperor Constantine was born and a visit to the unique historical monument Ćele Kula,
- sightseeing of Belgrade and NATO bombing ruins,
- unforgettable Goodbye Party on one of the rafts in Belgrade.

Day 1: Friday
Arrival at the Belgrade Airport. Transfer to Niška Banja Spa. During the transfer panoramic sightseeing of Niš and a visit to "Ćele Kula". Dinner in the famous restaurant "Amerikanac". Rest.

Day 2: Saturday
Breakfast and sightseeing in Niška Banja. Departure for Kuršumlija. Visit to the unique natural phenomenon called "Devil's City". Lunch in Prolom Banja [Spa]. Departure for Zvonačka Banja [Spa] via Sićevačka Klisura and canyon of River Nišava. Visit to Ethno Center for Pirot Rugs and Souvenirs. Arrival at Zvonačka Banja via canyon of river Jerma. Dinner and rest.

Day 3: Sunday
Breakfast. Departure for Poganovo Monastery built in 1395. Hiking Tour. Bath and massage treatment in the Spa. Dinner and rest.

Day 4: Monday
Breakfast. Departure for Stara Planina. Sightseeing around Zavojsko Lake. Ethnic lunch in the village. Sightseeing of the canyon, waterfalls and undisturbed nature [optional bath]. Arrival at Babin Zub [1, 757m],  accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 5: Tuesday
Breakfast. Hiking tour to Midžor [2,170m] in total 12 kilometers. Lunch, rest and a free afternoon. Dinner and Rest.

Day 6: Wednesday
Breakfast. Departure for Knjaževac and Zaječar. Fresh fish lunch by the lake. Arrival at Rajac and tour of breweries and wine cellars. Return to Zaječar. Accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 7: Thursday
Breakfast. Departure for Belgrade. Along the way a visit to roman ruins "Romuliana" from the Roman Emperor Maximilian [3rd century]. Lunch on the outskirts of Belgrade. Sightseeing tour of Belgrade and NATO bombing ruins with a local guide. Accommodation. Goodbye Party with dinner and music on one of the rafts in Belgrade. Rest.

Day 8: Friday
Early breakfast. Transfer to Belgrade Airport.

- Instead of Devil's City we have an option for Duplex Paragliding from Koritnjak above Niška Banja Spa,
- Program is based on the minimum of 6 participants but the group should not exceed 15 persons,
- Program is available for booking from January 1st, 2006 but the tours start on April 21st 2006 and are executed every 7 Days.

What else:
- you will eat healthy ethnic food and as a souvenir you will take homemade wines from Rajac wine cellars,
- spend time on clean and fresh mountain air at high altitudes, which is of benefit for the people with respiratory problems,
- treatments for stress relief in the Zvonačka Banja Spa,
- have a relaxing holiday in Eastern Serbia where nature has remained unaffected by industrial development and
- surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 7 Nights with Half Board and
- 6 lunches.

A number of transfers:
Guide Service: 2 + 1.

Passes for all the sites that will be visited on the tour.
A unique Serbian experience awaits You. Unique tours offered by Outdoor open the doors to the hidden treasures of Serbian nature and culture. Visit the crossroads of Western and Eastern civilization and the region that forged much of the European history. Once You leave, take a piece of Serbia in Your heart.

Program is based on minimum 6 persons.

Central Serbia

Tour highlights: Visit to Mt. Kopaonik. Most visited mountain is Serbia and the largest skiing center.Rafting on River Ibar. A wild, but safe adventure. Visit to Mitrovo Polje and a bath in mineral springs. Visit to monasteries Studenica, Ljubostinja and Vraćevišnica. Visit to Vrnjačka and Bukovička Banja spas.

Reside on Goc, a mountian rich with forests and one of the most scenic places in Serbia:
- Visit to ethno village Kostunici and the plant for treatment and packing of forest fruits.
- Visit to historic monuments of the 1st and 2nd Rebelion Against the Turks.
- Visit to the hometown and residence of the serbian leader Karadjordje.
- Visit to the church and mausoleum of the Karadjordjevic Dinasty. Including the visit to royal wine cellars.
- Visit to Belgrade with sightseeing and an unforgetable night on one of the rafts.

Day 1: Friday
Arrival at Belgrade Airport. Transfer to Mt. Kopaonik. Dinner and rest.

Day 2: Saturday
Breakfast. Departure for Usce. From there a rafting trip downstream of River Ibar, 25km long. Visit to Monastery Studenica from 12th century. Lucnh in the monastery. Return to Kopanik. Dinner and rest.

Day 3: Sunday
Breakfast. Sightseeing of the ski resort [option is a hike to Pancicev Vrh 2, 016m]. Ride to Mitrovo Polje witha bath in the Mineral Springs. Quick stop for a visit to Monastery Ljubostinja from 14th century. Degustation of the famous wine at the monastery and brandy. Lunch and sightseeing in Vrnjačka Banja Spa. Departure for Mt. Goc. Accommodation in cottages, hotel Piramida. Dinner and rest.

Day 4: Monday
Breakfast. Hiking on the slopes of Mt. Goc to the Velike Livade and Kavgalija Peaks. On the return an outdoor lunch [roast lamb] in the nature. Afternoon rest and use of the sport facilities. Diner and rest.

Day 5: Tuesday
Breakfast. Departure for ethno - village Kostunici. Stop for a visit to Monastery Vracevsnica and Takovo along the way. Ethnil lunch in Savinac village. Arrival at Kostunici. Accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 6: Wedresday
Breakfast. Visit to the plant for packaging of forrest fruit and shopping. Continuing to Topola over Mt. Rudnik. Visit to the monument from the First Rebellion Against the Turks in 1804. and a visit to Oplenac. Visit to St. George's church and mausoleum of the Karadjordjevic Dinasty. Lunch in Oplenac with wine degustation from the royal cellars. Continuing to Bukovicka Banja Spa and a visit to the famous mineral springs in Arandjelovac. Accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 7: Thursday
Breakfast. Departure for Belgrade by minibus. Lunch in Belgrade. Sightseeing tour of the city and NATO bombing ruins. Accommodation in hotel. Goodbye Party with dinner and music on one of the famous rafts in Belgrade. Rest.

Day 8: Friday
Early breakfast. Transfer to Belgrade Airport

What else:
- Eat healthy ethnic food and take kajmak from Kopaonik and forest fruits from Kostunici as souvenirs with you.
- Spend time in the fresh mountain air, beneficial for people with respiratory problems.
- Relax and enjoy nature the ancient way.
- Receive a surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 7 half boards
- 6 lunches
- A number of transfers
- Guide Service: 2 + 1
- Tickets for all locations.

Carska bara

Carska bara, spacious and clear blue mirror, dressed in a cane and grass streaks, steppes and willow trees, is placed between three cities: Belgrade, Novi Sad and Zrenjanin. Its rich water network is made of rivers, canals, lakes and puddles, so colors vary from blue lakes, green and brown forests to yellow and white pastures. This area was once filled with swamps. Today, a number of river meanders are turned into sloping bogs.

One of ten "perfect places" in Serbia, kingdom of birds and oasis of peace and untouched nature, is placed between two rivers - Begej and Tisa - and occupies around 1700 ha. Mosaic character of the reservation comes from interlacing different ecosystems [rivers, puddles, swamps, meadows, pastures and forests] and major parts of it are: old river banks of the Begej and Perleska Bara, Tiganjica and Carska bara, the jewel of the nature.
Every one of the eight European heron species nests here, so this bird is our trade mark. 250 different bird species [140 nonmigratory and 110 migratory species] represent the greatest treasure of the reservation. Many of these birds can be found in the Red Book of endangered species. Concerning the mammal fauna, importance of this region lies in the presence of the otter and the wild cat, very rare and endangered species in Europe.

because of these natural values, and mainly as the significant habitat of swamp birds, this reservation is acclaimed Ramsar and IBA region and it's under the protection of UNESCO. The sound of silence and the song of the nature are being heard here.

- 08.00h Deprture from the assigned terminal.
- Leaving for Carska bara. A visit to Carska bara, a well known natural reservation, where over 300 bird species nests.
- A motor boat ride throught Carska bara, with the professional tourist guide.
- A walk on the Wellness path [with the possibility of renting a bike].
- Lunch in the hotel restaurant Sibila ** [high quality hotel conformed with natural surrounding, restaurant with terrace, air condition in the whole object]
- Free time.
- Return in the afternoon hours.

- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].

Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportatioon [bus or minivan]
-a visit to reservation
- lunch in the Sibila hotel restaurant
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance

Price of the arrangement does not include: bike rental

Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.

City Nish (Nis), Serbia - Entry for May 11

The city covers an area of about 597 square kilometres, including the city of Niš itself, the Niška Banja spa and 68 suburbs. Niš Constantine the Great Airport is its international airport with the destination code INI. Niš is the administrative center of the Nišava District of Serbia.

Situated at the crossroads of Balkan and European highways, connecting Asia Minor to Europe, Niš is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans, and has from ancient times been considered a gateway between the East and the West.

Niš is a university center. There are about 28,000 university students at the University of Niš, which comprises 13 faculties. Niš is also one of the most important industrial centres in Serbia, a center of electronics industry (see Elektronska Industrija Niš), industry of mechanical engineering, textile industry and tobacco industry.

Historical Sites:
· Skull Tower (Ćele kula)
· Tvrđava - Turkish fortress in the city center.
· Mediana - archaeological site, Roman imperial villa.
· Kazandžisko Sokače - example of original architecture from Ottoman period.
· Crveni Krst concentration camp built by occupying German forces during WWII.

+ 381.64.555.85.81

Belgrade, Serbia by BOAT

Touring: 'May 25th' sports center, Belgrade fort, orthodox cathedral possibility, bridges on the Sava of renting the boat, Cukarica channel between official tours, Ada Ciganlija island, return to the Yugoslavia hotel pier for the following purposes:
- birthday parties,
- wedding on the river,
- organizing programs lasting Several HRS.

Belgrade churches and monasteries, organized groups duration 240 min by bus with 28, 50 and 70 seats. Ruzica church, [the oldest orthodox church in Belgrade - 16th century], St. Petka chapel, old Belgrade core, patriarch's residence, orthodox cathedral, St. Sava church, Vavedenje monastery, and Rakovica monastery, departure in front of the hotel.

(Tourism Portal of Serbia)
+ 381.64.555.85.81

Vršac - “A Wine Path”

Visiting the town of vine. Vršac, the town under a tower, is located 82km from Belgrade [a little more than one hour of a pleasant ride]. Vršac is one of those towns that are reasonably proud of its past and intensive development of the cultural life. In the past, this town was under a continual and intensive cultural development, with great intellectual circles of artists, long theater tradition and permanent literary life.

Vršac is a town which still amazes with its old architecture. However, this town "under the tower" is still in the process of urbanization, conformed to contemporary needs of the modern man, but with tendency of keeping the old center with its unique architecture.

In the history of this area, the first mention of vineyards dates from the middle of 1st century. In 1494, the royal court of Hungarian king Vladislav II, paid 10, 5 golden forints for a half of a barrel of Vršac wine. Turkish writer Evlija Čelebija writes in his itineraries from 1660. and 1664. about Vršac and its vineyards with crimson, delicious, sweet grape, scattered around hills.

08:00 Departure from Belgrade from assigned place;
10:00 Arrival to Vršac, the tow of vine. Short rest, meeting with the guide and town detour: Vladičanski dvor, Saborna crkva, Apoteka na stepenicama, Sv. Gerhard cathedral;
12:00 Visiting Mesić monastery, 14th century endowment of Jovan the Baptist, 9km from Vršac;
12: 45 "Kula" site / town panorama
14:00 Lunch in "Sv. Nikola" restaurant [Banatian lunch]
14: 50 WINE PATH
16:00 Gudurica wine cellar ''Vršački vinogradi'', degustation
17:00 Veliko Središte wine cellar ''Đorđa Krstov-a'', degustation;
17: 50 Free time for individual activities

The arrangement includes:
- Transportation by bus;
- Services of the local guide;
- Lunch in "Sv. Nikola" restaurant
- Services in the wine cellars including wine degustation / quiz diplomas [Vršac vineyards]...
- Sightseeing
- Organization and other expenses of the arrangement

This unique tour offers you following possibilities:
- A visit to "Vršački Vinogradi" wine cellar with capacity of 3.420 waggons and modern equipment for wine manufacture and care.
- Visiting a large part of vineyard plantations [from altogether 1.700 ha]
- Visiting famous old wine cellars in Gudurica and Veliko središte villages near Vršac, where you will see cellars and degust selected sorts of wine in company of wine makers.
Minimal number of passengers is 40.

The agency keeps the right of canceling the excursion if not enough passengers had applied.

For reservation call ++381.64.555.85.81 or send email on

Rafting on Tara River (1 to 3 days)

This one day Tour will take you to the heart of "Durmitor" National Park and down the river from Sljivansko to Leveri Tara [12 kilometara] with an organized visit to the strongest spring in Europe, the shortest, 170m long, Ljutica river and 13th century monastery St. Arhangel Mihailo. You can also take a dip in Tara's Green Whirlpools. The package tour includes a lunch on the river bank with soothing sounds of this mountain beauty in the backdrop and return trip to Tara bridge. Price [per person] 55 €. Minimal number of passangers 2 persons. Application deadline [prior to departure] 5 Days.

Tour 2
This one day tour will take you to the heart of "Durmitor" National Park and down the river from Sljivansko to Radovan luka [24km] with an organized visit of the strongest spring in Europe, the shortest, 170m long, Ljutica river and 13th century monastery St. Arhangel Mihailo. You can also take a dip in Tara's Green Whirlpools. Occasional breaks are made at Museva vrela, Bijela vrela and Lazin kamen. The package tour includes breakfast before we set off and lunch in Radovan luka camp as well as return trip to Tara bridge or Zabljak by all - terrain vehicles. It's possible to include an overnight stay and a breakfast. Price [per person] 130 € [with overnight stay 160€]. Minimal number of passangers 6 persons. Application deadline [prior to departure] 5 Days.

Tour 3
One day excursion to Tara with an overnight stay in the camp. All - terrain vehicles will take you from Tara bridge to Brstanovica over Mt. Durmitor. You'll have dinner in the camp by the camp fire. The following day you'll go down the Tara river to Scepan polje, visit Pivsko lake and have lunch in a restaurant in Pluzine. Price [per person] 110 €. Minimal number of passangers 6 persons. Application deadline [prior to departure] 5 Days.

Tour 4
One day excursion to Tara. All - terrain vehicles will take you from Scepan polje to Brstanovice. You'll have breakfast in the camp and go down the Tara river to Scepan polje, visit Pivsko lake and have lunch in a restaurant in Pluzine. Price [per person] 60 €. Minimal number of passangers 2 persons
Application deadline [prior to departure] 5 Days.

Tour 5
Going down the river in rubber boats from Sljivansko to Scepan polje. This is a two day tour and includes meals and overnight stay in the canyon as well as return trip to Tara bridge or Zabljak. The overnight can be either in Radovan luka or in Brstanovica depending on the watermark and guests' preferences. If the overnight stay is in Brstanovica, the return trip over Mt. Durmitor is by day which is far better solution. Price [per person] 220 €. Minimal number of passangers 6 persons. Application deadline [prior to departure] 7 Days.

Tour 6
Going down the river in rubber boats from Sljivansko to Scepan polje. This is a three day tour and includes meals and two overnight stays in the canyon as well as return trip to Tara bridge or Zabljak. The overnight can be either in Radovan luka or in Brstanovica. Minimal number of passangers 6 persons. Application deadline [prior to departure] 7 Days.

General Terms and Conditions:
·- The prices are in euro, and the payment is effected in dinar equivalent value at the NBS selling rate on the day of the payment. Foreign legal entities can make the payment in euro.
·- The prices include: rafting tour, meals stipulated in the itinerary, transfer from the finishing point to the starting point, organized visits during the tour, Tara National Park tax [per person for two day or three day tours], park entrance fee [per person] and mandatory insurance [per person].
·- The Prices do not include: drink and optional overnight stay in Motel "Radovan luka" [the closest lodging house, 24km from the Tara's entrance point].

·- Since the safety of the passengers is the Tour Operator's responsibility, the raftsmen's instructions must be strictly observed. All persons refusing to do so will be asked to leave the boat or the raft.
·- All rafting participants are equipped with safety gear [a west and a helmet] and even paddles if wanted.
·- The lower age limit is 7 years of age.

Other notes:
·- Please do not take too many things with you during the rafting and make sure you leave your extra luggage with the guide at the starting point. Personal equipment and things will be waiting for the passengers on every resting point and on the finishing point as well.
·- If the equipment was not handed to us for safekeeping, the Tour Operator is not responsible for any equipment lost or damaged during the rafting.
·- The meals consist of local, nutritious specialties, as stipulated in the itinerary and all proper hygienic standards are met. Possible dietary requirements and all menu changes must be given to the cook beforehand and the wishes of our passengers are usually granted.
·- We can also organize the transportation from all major cities in Serbia to Zabljak and back. The price of such service is given on request.

Belgrade - Topola - Oplenac - Arandjelovac - Koporin - Belgrade

08:00 Departure from Belgrade from the assigned place.
09:00 A ride to Topola. Visiting Karađorđe's town, which consists of a mansion and a church, today a museum in which Karađorđe's personal belongings are being kept.
10:00 Leaving for Oplenac and visiting St. Djordje church - the mausoleum of Karadjordjevic family.
11:00 Visiting Risovača cave near Aranđelovac, which is one of the oldest evidences about human existence in the entire Balkan peninsula.
12:00 Arrival to Aranđelovac. Visiting the Museum, where many acheological, ethnological, historical and art objects are being kept.
13:00 Lunch in the ″Park″ restaurant. Free time. A walk throught the Bukovička banja Park, an idyllic place rich with various plant species.
15:00 Leaving to "Marićevića Jaruga" in the Orašac village, 4km from Aranđelovac, where the First Serbian Rising began.
16:00 Continuing the journey to Velika Plana and visiting Koporin monastery, endowment of Stefan Lazarević from 1408.
19:00 Return to Belgrade.

- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].

Price of the arrangement includes:
- Transportation [bus or minivan]
- Lunch in the "Park" restaurant
- Visits and tickets for: historical complex in Topola and Oplenac, Museum in Arandjelovac, Risovača cave, the church, the school, the Museum and Karadjordje's monument in Orašac
- Services of the local guide
- Accompanist from the agency
- Trip organization and guidance

Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for minivan.

Zasavica - Special natural reservation

Long time ago, 33km long Zasavica stream has been named "Bara" ["Puddle"] by the local people. The reason for that was the green cover made of rich water vegetation, which in some parts slows the stream, creating the illusion of total stillness. This stream makes possible the survival of many diferent plant and animal species. In order to preserve this world of rare flora an fauna, in 1997. Zasavica and its side had been put under the State protection, as a natural treasure of great importance. Zasavica is an oasis for almost 200 diferent plant species, 120 bird species and about 20 species of fish, amphibians and reptiles.

This year in April, thanks to the present of The Bavarian government, Zasavica got back its former inmate, European beaver, which is now again a respected habitant of this beautiful reservation.

We must point out that the greatest acknowledgment for preservation goes to always good - willing locals who live nearby and with Zasavica.

A lot has been written about Zasavica. It lives in many songs, but the most beautiful stories and songs you will hear from Zasavica itself. A boat ride throught Zasavica represents a true pleasure for all of those who enjoy foto safari, because its nature will never leave you indifferent.

08:00h Departure from Belgrade
09:30h Arrival in Sremska Mitrovica. Coffee break. A visit to the Roman imperial town of Sirmium. A visit to Museum of Srem.
11:30h Crossing over beautiful St. Irinej pedestrial bridge to Mačvanska Mitrovica
12:00h - 12:30h Continuing the Journey to Ravanj, to the "Zeka Buljbasa's bush" [a place where, in 1813, a battle between hajduks and a lot more powerful Turkish army took place].
13:00h Continuing the journey to Glogovac [a place where writer Janko Veselinović was born and died]
13:30h - 15:00h A visit to the ethnic park and museum in Sovljak; theatre show in amateur theatre from Ravnaj. Coffee break.
15.30h Return to SRP Zasavica ride by Umbra boat, lunch, Gipsy string Orchestra

Note: Lunch time is at 17:00h.
Leaving after the guests are tired of the fresh Zasavica's air.

- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].

Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportation
- traditional welcoming serving
- lunch in the country house
- boat ride
- musical program - gypsy strings
- coffee in Sovljak
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance

Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.

The agency keeps the right of canceling the excursion 5 days before departure if not enough passengers had applied.

Tourist Train Romantika

In the special offer of the Serbian Railways there are one - day excursions with "Romance" to: Srremski Karlovci, Smederevo, Vrnjačka Banja, Palic, Požarevac, Vršac. Ticket price includes: Seat reservation, Transport of one bicycle, Free parking place at the Belgrade Railway Station on the day when the ticket is valid.

Selling places:
- Belgrade Railway Station desk no. 10
- Vuk's Monument Station tel: 011 337 - 00 - 47
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 5m. Milovanovica Street, tel: 011 641 - 258
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 21 Decanska Street, tel: 011 323 - 53 - 35
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency Novi Sad, 4 Mileticeva Street, tel: 021 621 - 987
- Agencija Recreatours 3 Dragoslava Jovanovica Street, tel: 011 323 - 05 - 58
- Five Star Agency 10 Student's Square, tel: 011 328 - 50 - 78, 328 - 46 - 51
- Zelturist Travel Agency 52 - 54 Balkanska Street, tel: 011 683 - 056, 683 - 046
- Ponta Agency 47 Kralja Milana Street, tel: 011 334 - 40 - 84, 324 - 02 - 94
- Magelan Agency Novi Sad, 23 Zmaj Jovina, tel: 021 420 - 680, 065 624 - 35 - 26

You can get more information at the Direction for the Passenger Transport of the Public of the Serbian Railways, working Days from 8.00am to 4.00pm.

Down the Danube to Eastern Serbia / Two-day excursions

Golubac, a unique fortress at the Djeparska gorge's entrance built on a ridge above the Danube with its nine towers from which Prince Lazar controlled this route as early as 14 century. Lepenski Vir, a world - renowned archaeological site with a reconstructed Neolithic settlement. The Vratna canyon with its three amazing "gates" carved by the river Vratna in chalk cliffs.

Rajačke pivnice, a village of 300 wine cellars where top - quality wine exported to France used to be produced. Today rarely visited only by those with the privilege to taste wine in the still functioning cellars.

Romulijana, the best-preserved locality of late antiquity in Serbia, protected by UNESCO.
Imperial palace of the emperor Galerius, born and buried here with his mother Romula.

Ethnic Serbian Tour The Ovcarsko Kablarska gorge through which the river Western Morava carves its way and whose inaccessible slopes hide 10 Serbian Orthodox monasteries from 16 and 17 centuries which is why it is also called the "Little Serbian Holy Mountain" [i. e. Mt Athos].

Sirogojno, the oldest regular ethnic locality in Serbia, a village - museum with typical log dwellings furnished in corresponding style and equipped with utensils. A wooden church of St. Peter and Paul. A restaurant with local culinary specialties.

Zlatibor, a tourist and mountain resort at 1000m. The highest mountain is Tornik. In winter full of skiers, in summer full of hikers enjoying the fresh air and rolling meadows.

Sarganska osmica, a narrow gauge railway along which up to 1974 a train from Belgrade via Sarajevo to Dubrovnik crossed the mountain saddle between Mokra Gora and Sargan, a height difference of 300m. Today used as a tourist attraction and outdoor railway museum.

Drvengrad, built by Emir Kusturica on the hill Mecavnik while shooting his film "Life is a Wonder" and succumbing to the beauty of the local countryside.
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