Reservation of accommodation for Guca Trumpet Festival on: +381-64-555-8581; or email:
Showing posts with label guča 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guča 2013. Show all posts
Day trip to Ovčarsko Kablar canyon
Day trip to Ovcarsko Kablar canyon - Trumpet Festival It is located in central Serbia, where the Morava river between the mountains and Shepherd Kablar gorge cuts an imposing shadow scale in forest on the banks of the river, the small plateau close to the rocks and hiding the 11 medieval monasteries, the unique place where there are time when they occur. On the left side of the Western Morava are the Annunciation, Ilinje, Savinja Nikolje, Assumption and Jovanje, and on the right the Temple, Trinity, Transfiguration, Assumption and the Presentation.
Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch (Guča Festival)
400000 junge Leute kommen jedes Jahr im August nach Guča, wenn die besten Blaskapellen um die Wette spielen. Hardrocker, Folkloregruppen, Hippies und Kampftrinker flippen aus.
Übernachtet haben wir in der Wohnung des Polizeichefs, im geräumten Kinderzimmer, unter einem Poster von Harry Potters Freundin Hermine, wohlwollend beäugt von rosa und hellblauen Kuscheltieren. Einen behüteteren Ort kann man in Guča kaum finden. Die Fotos der Polizeicheftöchter stehen, gerahmt in rotem Kunstleder, auf einem Häkeldeckchen. Für ein paar Tage sind die Mädchen bei auswärtigen Verwandten untergebracht. So macht man das hier Jahr für Jahr am letzten Augustwochenende, wenn in das 3000-Einwohner-Dorf plötzlich 400000 Blasmusikverrückte einfallen. Guča liegt in der tiefsten serbischen Provinz, dreieinhalb Autostunden südlich von Belgrad. Es gibt dort ein einziges Hotel mit 40 Betten, ein weiteres wird gerade gebaut. Da kann sich glücklich schätzen, wer auf der Klappliege in einer Privatwohnung untergekommen ist.
In den Tagen des großen Blasmusikfestivals wird in Guča nämlich überall geschlafen: auf den Wiesen am Ortsrand, die sich in riesige Zeltplätze verwandeln; in Schulen und Turnhallen, in denen die Luft morgens zum Schneiden stickig ist; zu zweit unter Wolldecken im Auto; allein neben der leeren Schnapsflasche in Hauseingängen oder mitten auf dem zentralen Dorfplatz zwischen Glasscherben, Plastikmüll und Bierlachen am Sockel des berühmten Denkmals mit dem goldenen Trompeter.
Nur der Polizeichef findet keinen Schlaf. Jede Nacht dreht er erst zur frühen Morgenstunde den Schlüssel in seiner Wohnungstür, drei Stunden später ist er schon wieder auf dem Weg zum Dienst. Auch in seinem Büro kann man ihn nicht treffen. "Viel Arbeit, schlechte Nachrichten", sagt seine Frau, die das Frühstück für die Gäste zubereitet. Am Montag steht es in der Zeitung: Zwei verfeindete Jugendbanden sind beim Festival aneinandergeraten, ein Jugendlicher wurde bei der Messerstecherei getötet. Im letzten Jahr waren es die jugendlichen Alkoholraser, die dem Polizisten den Schlaf raubten. Auf den kleinen, kurvenreichen Landstraßen fahren sie im Suff gegen Bäume und brechen sich die Hälse.
Den legendären Ruf der Festtage von Guča können solche hässlichen Zwischenfälle nicht beschädigen. Guča gilt als das größte und wildeste Blasmusikspektakel der Welt. Die ganze Region strömt herbei und junge Leute aus aller Welt. Das Festival sei das wichtigste und authentischste Symbol serbischer Kreativität, erklärt der aus Belgrad angereiste Staatsminister. Die Trompete mache gesund und vertreibe alle Neurosen, sagt einer der Gründer: »Guča ist Ausdruck serbischer Lebensfreude.« Wie viel das Bier und der Rakija zum Ruhm der Veranstaltung beitragen, braucht niemand extra zu betonen: Jeder weiß, dass Guča ein Massenbesäufnis ist.
In nüchternen Worten lässt sich der Anlass des Festes so beschreiben: Zwanzig serbische Musikkapellen kommen zu einem Bläserwettstreit zusammen. Zuvor haben sie sich in regionalen Vorausscheidungen qualifiziert. Der Sieger gewinnt die begehrte goldene Trompete. Über fünf Tage erstreckt sich das Rahmenprogramm mit Trachtenauftritten, Umzügen und Rummelplatzvergnügen. Der Wettbewerb selbst wird in wenigen Stunden am letzten Tag abgewickelt, denn es geht in erster Linie um anderes: durchtanzte Nächte, Rausch, Enthemmung. Sex and drugs and Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch.
Das Festival ist fest in der Hand der Zigeunerbands aus dem Süden und Westen des Landes. Sie stellen fast alle Teilnehmer, geben mit ihren übermütig ratternden Tänzen, den Cočeks und Kolos den Ton an. Von schmissigen Synkopen wird ihre Musik vorangetrieben. Die Basstuba bollert wie Ausbeulungsarbeiten auf dem Autoschrottplatz. Über den pumpenden Rhythmen erhebt sich das orientalisch klingende Melodiegewusel der Trompeten. Im Vergleich zum Wespentemperament einer serbischen Gipsy-Band wirken bayerische Bierzeltkapellen so behäbig wie halb tote Stubenfliegen auf ihrem letzten Flug. Verwegene Typen sind die Musiker allesamt. Für Guča haben sie sich die gelockten schwarzen Haare extranass in den Nacken gegelt, ihre Nadelstreifenanzüge oder cremefarbenen Leinenwesten angezogen und die eleganten Schuhe übergestreift. An den Schuhen kann man jeden Gipsy-Trompeter erkennen: Spitz und lang müssen sie sein und am besten aus Schlangenleder. Guča ist eine große Chance für die Musiker. Wer hier auffällt oder gar den Wettbewerb gewinnt, braucht sich um lukrative Engagements bei Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen keine Sorgen mehr zu machen.
Visit Serbian Monasteries
Day 1th: Arrival to Belgrade. Meeting of passengers and representatives of the agency at the airport Nikola Tesla - Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. Spare time. Overnight.
Day 2nd: Breakfast. Route: Belgrade - Vrnjačka Banja [spa]
Sanctum places of Serbian capital [St. Petka Chapel and Church Ružica, Orthodox Church and Patriarch's residence, St. Sava's Temple, the biggest Orthodox Temple in the Balkans]. Departure to Vrnajčka banja. Visit to the Monasteries Pokajnica, Manasija, and Ravanica; lunch in the monastery. Arrival to Vrnajčka banja. Accommodation. Overnight.
Day 3rd: Breakfast. Route: Vrnajčka banja - Monasteries Žiča, Ljubostinja, Kalenić - Vrnjačka Banja. Lunch is planned in Monastery Kalenić. Visit to the open - air Museum "Kalenić" and familiarizing with the old Serbian crafts: weaving, spinning, knitting, basket weaving. Presentation of the national architecture and traditional usable objects.
Return to Vrnjačka Banja. Accommodation. Overnight.
Day 4th: Breakfast. Spare time. Route: Vrnjačka Banja - Monastery Studenica.
Visit to Monasteries Djurdjevi Stupovi, Sopoćani. Arrival to Monastery Studenica. Lunch. Accommodation in the Monastery's residential building and presence to the evening prayer. Overnight
Day 5th: Breakfast in the Monastery residential building. Route: Studenica - Ovčar banja [spa] - Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge - Valjevo
Visit to Monastery Gradac [long hiking tour] and St. Peter's Church on the way to Ovčar Banja. Arrival to Ovčar banja. Lunch in the national restaurant. Visit to the Monasteries of Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge: Vavedenje [Presentation of the Virgin], Vaznesenje [Resurrection], Sretenje [Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple], Svete Trojice Blagovestenje [Annunciation of Holy Trinity], Ilinje, Savinje, Nikolje, Jovanje i Uspenje [Dormition]. Departure to Valjevo. Accommodation. Overnight.
Day 6th: Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - village Sitarice - Valjevo.
Petnica cave, Research Center in Petnica. Visit to the old city center Tešnjar, Muselin's konak [hist. castle, palace], the monument of the greatest Serbian army commander Živojin Mišić, and the monument of poetess Desanka Maksimović]. Visit of the Monasteries Ćelije and Lelić in which are the relics of the Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović, the Orthodox theologian and writer from 20th century. Visit to the Monastery Pustinja from 14th century, built during the rule of the Nemanjić royal family.
Visit to the village Sitarice on the hillsides of Medvednik Mountain. This is the place with traditional, old Serbian houses, outbuildings, folklore, customs and traditional dishes of Serbian cuisine are preserved and cherished. In the yard of an old authentic village house, Serbian dining table brimming with national dishes and drinks, traditional Serbian host, songs and dancing typical for this part of Serbia, welcomes guests. Return to the hotel. Overnight.
Day 7th Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - Soko Grad - Monastery Tronoša - Tršić - Belgrade
Departure from Valjevo. Arrival to Soko Grad and visit to the Monastery Complex of "Soko Grad". Short break. Departure to Monastery Tronoša and Trsić. Visit to the Monastery Tronoša and monastery residential building. Visit to the Ethnographic Commemorative Park and Commemorative House dedicated to the father of Serbian literacy Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in Tršić. Lunch break and individual activities. Departure to Belgrade in the evening. Accommodation in the hotel. Overnight.
Day 8th: Breakfast. Transfer to the airport; departure.
One day tour River Tara
One day tour along most exciting and most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km:
- starting from Belgrade early in the morning and traveling via Uzice, Višegrad and Foca to the camp. Meeting with our hosts and surroundings.
- breakfast till 10: 30 - specialty of domestic kitchen,
- changing of wardrobe into rafting equipment. Each participant gets neoprene suit, neoprene boots, life jacket and adventure starts,
- transportation by jeeps and vans to Brštenovica starting point of our friendship with River Tara till 11:30h,
- formation of the rafting teams, introduction to the skipper and basics of rafting and team work. Capacity of the boats in 10 - 12 persons and it is very important to obey skipper's instruction,
- on board to 12:00h rs and rafting starts on the most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km where are a lot of exciting experience is expected as rapids Celije, Vjernovice grade 5, Borovi, Varda, Cegrlo grade 4, and other 17 which aren't to be underestimated.
- rafting lasts around 3, 5 hours with brakes for swimming and rest in Kulina, Manita vrela, Šipcanica streams,
- arrival at Camp Sastavci around 16:00h and change of wardrobe,
- lunch - specialties of domestic and oriental kitchen, Rafting soup, rousted lamb,
- rest after lunch and departure of Rafters.
Gledičke Mountains
Description: In the hearth of Šumadija, on the slopes of the Gledičke Mountains, there is one of the most pleasant parts of Central Serbia, hilly landscape full of clear springs, rivers, gorges, medical herbs, game... It is a grove decorated with picturesque natural attractions, better known as Levac. It can also be recognized by the Kalenić Monastery, spiritual and cultural center, of which protected area we care. Open - air Museum "Kalenić" acquaints visitors with authentic experience and tradition, customs, history and culture of Levac, national kitchen, correlates with domestic and wild animals in nature. Youngest devotees of nature and healthy life can express their creativity and research spirit within the educational workshops in healthy and attractive natural environment:
Leaving Belgrade at 7:00 AM Arrival at Kalenic at 11:00 AM from 11:00h until 17:00h
- familiarizing with the old handycrafts and participating in making toys and souvenirs of natural materials [weaving, spinning, knitting, basket weaving…],
- visit to the Monastery; a lesson about Despot Stefan Lazarević,
- presentation of the folk architecture and traditional usable things [visit to the households],
- participating in the workshop of fine arts [presentation of Janko Baršić naïve art school],
- recreation in nature, learning old children's games, familiarizing with natural lair of animals, plants, bird watching…
- familiarizing with domestic animals and ways of cultivating land, planting and growing, cereals, fruits and vegetables,
- enjoying honey and its products,
- visit to a watermill and manifestation of grinding wheat,
- participating in the production of homemade dishes and products [bred baking, curdling, making jam, drying fruit, making soaps…].
Workshops are adjusted to juvenile; a lot of games, songs and careless socializing in pure nature.
Arrival at Belgrade around 09:00 PM
Bogdan Dundjerski
A picturesque castle in the Vojvodina plain near Bečej, nowadays hotel "Fantast". The pre - war landowner and wealthy heir, Bogdan Dundjerski built the castle between 1919 and 1923 together with a church and chapel the latter of which was decorated by the owner's close friend, the famous Uros Predic. Dundjerski, a passionate lover of horses set up a stud farm with 1. 400 thoroughbred horses which still exists today on a somewhat smaller scale.
Belgrade, Serbia by BOAT
Touring: 'May 25th' sports center, Belgrade fort, orthodox cathedral possibility, bridges on the Sava of renting the boat, Cukarica channel between official tours, Ada Ciganlija island, return to the Yugoslavia hotel pier for the following purposes:
- birthday parties,
- wedding on the river,
- organizing programs lasting Several HRS.
(Tourism Portal of Serbia)
+ 381.64.555.85.81
- birthday parties,
- wedding on the river,
- organizing programs lasting Several HRS.
Belgrade churches and monasteries, organized groups duration 240 min by bus with 28, 50 and 70 seats. Ruzica church, [the oldest orthodox church in Belgrade - 16th century], St. Petka chapel, old Belgrade core, patriarch's residence, orthodox cathedral, St. Sava church, Vavedenje monastery, and Rakovica monastery, departure in front of the hotel.
(Tourism Portal of Serbia)
+ 381.64.555.85.81
Vršac - “A Wine Path”
Visiting the town of vine. Vršac, the town under a tower, is located 82km from Belgrade [a little more than one hour of a pleasant ride]. Vršac is one of those towns that are reasonably proud of its past and intensive development of the cultural life. In the past, this town was under a continual and intensive cultural development, with great intellectual circles of artists, long theater tradition and permanent literary life.
Vršac is a town which still amazes with its old architecture. However, this town "under the tower" is still in the process of urbanization, conformed to contemporary needs of the modern man, but with tendency of keeping the old center with its unique architecture.
In the history of this area, the first mention of vineyards dates from the middle of 1st century. In 1494, the royal court of Hungarian king Vladislav II, paid 10, 5 golden forints for a half of a barrel of Vršac wine. Turkish writer Evlija Čelebija writes in his itineraries from 1660. and 1664. about Vršac and its vineyards with crimson, delicious, sweet grape, scattered around hills.
08:00 Departure from Belgrade from assigned place;
10:00 Arrival to Vršac, the tow of vine. Short rest, meeting with the guide and town detour: Vladičanski dvor, Saborna crkva, Apoteka na stepenicama, Sv. Gerhard cathedral;
12:00 Visiting Mesić monastery, 14th century endowment of Jovan the Baptist, 9km from Vršac;
12: 45 "Kula" site / town panorama
14:00 Lunch in "Sv. Nikola" restaurant [Banatian lunch]
14: 50 WINE PATH
16:00 Gudurica wine cellar ''Vršački vinogradi'', degustation
17:00 Veliko Središte wine cellar ''Đorđa Krstov-a'', degustation;
17: 50 Free time for individual activities
The arrangement includes:
- Transportation by bus;
- Services of the local guide;
- Lunch in "Sv. Nikola" restaurant
- Services in the wine cellars including wine degustation / quiz diplomas [Vršac vineyards]...
- Sightseeing
- Organization and other expenses of the arrangement
This unique tour offers you following possibilities:
- A visit to "Vršački Vinogradi" wine cellar with capacity of 3.420 waggons and modern equipment for wine manufacture and care.
- Visiting a large part of vineyard plantations [from altogether 1.700 ha]
- Visiting famous old wine cellars in Gudurica and Veliko središte villages near Vršac, where you will see cellars and degust selected sorts of wine in company of wine makers.
Minimal number of passengers is 40.
The agency keeps the right of canceling the excursion if not enough passengers had applied.
For reservation call ++381.64.555.85.81 or send email on
Šarganska Osmica
1st day: Belgrade - Pustinja and Rača monasteries - Vrelo site - Perućac lake - Bajina Bašta
08:00 - Departure from Belgrade; a ride on Ibar high - way in the direction of Valjevo [90km from Belgrade].
10:00 - Visit to Pustinja monastery.
12:00 - Continuing journey to Bajina Bašta and Perućac.
13:30 - Bajina Bašta - Arrival; accommodation in "Drina" 3* hotel
14:00 - Lunch.
16:00 - Visit to Rača monastery.
17:00 - Arrival to HE Bajina Bašta dam. Short walk by the lake and a visit to Vrelo site.
20:30 - Dinner.
2nd day: Bajina Bašta - Kremna - Mokra Gora-a ride by famous "Šarganska osmica" train - return to Belgrade
07:00 - Breakfast in"Drina" hotel; leaving the hotel.
08:30 - Departure for Kremna over the Tara Mountain. Short stop by the place where once was the house of famous Kreman's profets Tarabićs.
10:15 - Arrival to Mokra Gora, the leaving station of "Šarganska osmica"; refreshment.
A ride on a narrow railroad - ''ćira'' - throught beautiful lanscapes.
13:00 - Lunch at the "Jatare" station.
15:00 - Visit to Kusturica's ethnic village - Drvengrad.
17:30 - Departure for Belgrade, with short stop an refreshment in "Livade" motel - Preljina by the Čačak.
Arrival in Belgrade in the late evening hours.
Price of the arrangement does not include: Reservation costs. In a case of cancelation of journey these costs will not be refunded.
Price of the arrangement includes:
- Accommodation based on full service [classic menu]
- transportation by tourist bus [TV/CD player and air - condition]
- Lunch on "Jatare" station
- Visits to Pustinja and Rača monasteries
- Visit to Perućac and Vrelo site
- Visit to Tarabićs' house site
- Ride on Šarganska osmica
- Visit to ethnic village - Drvengrad
- Excursion organization and guidance
- Services of the local tourist guide
Minimal number of passengers for the arrangement is 35.
08:00 - Departure from Belgrade; a ride on Ibar high - way in the direction of Valjevo [90km from Belgrade].
10:00 - Visit to Pustinja monastery.
12:00 - Continuing journey to Bajina Bašta and Perućac.
13:30 - Bajina Bašta - Arrival; accommodation in "Drina" 3* hotel
14:00 - Lunch.
16:00 - Visit to Rača monastery.
17:00 - Arrival to HE Bajina Bašta dam. Short walk by the lake and a visit to Vrelo site.
20:30 - Dinner.
2nd day: Bajina Bašta - Kremna - Mokra Gora-a ride by famous "Šarganska osmica" train - return to Belgrade
07:00 - Breakfast in"Drina" hotel; leaving the hotel.
08:30 - Departure for Kremna over the Tara Mountain. Short stop by the place where once was the house of famous Kreman's profets Tarabićs.
10:15 - Arrival to Mokra Gora, the leaving station of "Šarganska osmica"; refreshment.
A ride on a narrow railroad - ''ćira'' - throught beautiful lanscapes.
13:00 - Lunch at the "Jatare" station.
15:00 - Visit to Kusturica's ethnic village - Drvengrad.
17:30 - Departure for Belgrade, with short stop an refreshment in "Livade" motel - Preljina by the Čačak.
Arrival in Belgrade in the late evening hours.
Price of the arrangement does not include: Reservation costs. In a case of cancelation of journey these costs will not be refunded.
Price of the arrangement includes:
- Accommodation based on full service [classic menu]
- transportation by tourist bus [TV/CD player and air - condition]
- Lunch on "Jatare" station
- Visits to Pustinja and Rača monasteries
- Visit to Perućac and Vrelo site
- Visit to Tarabićs' house site
- Ride on Šarganska osmica
- Visit to ethnic village - Drvengrad
- Excursion organization and guidance
- Services of the local tourist guide
Minimal number of passengers for the arrangement is 35.
Carska Bara - Specialn natural reservation
Carska bara, spacious and clear blue mirror, dressed in a cane and grass streaks, steppes and willow trees, is placed between three cities: Belgrade, Novi Sad and Zrenjanin. Its rich water network is made of rivers, canals, lakes and puddles, so colors vary from blue lakes, green and brown forests to yellow and white pastures. This area was once filled with swamps. Today, a number of river meanders are turned into sloping bogs.
One of ten "perfect places" in Serbia, kingdom of birds and oasis of peace and untouched nature, is placed between two rivers - Begej and Tisa - and occupies around 1700 ha. Mosaic character of the reservation comes from interlacing different ecosystems [rivers, puddles, swamps, meadows, pastures and forests] and major parts of it are: old river banks of the Begej and Perleska Bara, Tiganjica and Carska bara, the jewel of the nature.
Every one of the eight European heron species nests here, so this bird is our trade mark. 250 different bird species [140 nonmigratory and 110 migratory species] represent the greatest treasure of the reservation. Many of these birds can be found in the Red Book of endangered species. Concerning the mammal fauna, importance of this region lies in the presence of the otter and the wild cat, very rare and endangered species in Europe.
because of these natural values, and mainly as the significant habitat of swamp birds, this reservation is acclaimed Ramsar and IBA region and it's under the protection of UNESCO. The sound of silence and the song of the nature are being heard here.
- 08.00h Deprture from the assigned terminal.
- Leaving for Carska bara. A visit to Carska bara, a well known natural reservation, where over 300 bird species nests.
- A motor boat ride throught Carska bara, with the professional tourist guide.
- A walk on the Wellness path [with the possibility of renting a bike].
- Lunch in the hotel restaurant Sibila ** [high quality hotel conformed with natural surrounding, restaurant with terrace, air condition in the whole object]
- Free time.
- Return in the afternoon hours.
- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].
Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportatioon [bus or minivan]
-a visit to reservation
- lunch in the Sibila hotel restaurant
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance
Price of the arrangement does not include: bike rental
Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.
One of ten "perfect places" in Serbia, kingdom of birds and oasis of peace and untouched nature, is placed between two rivers - Begej and Tisa - and occupies around 1700 ha. Mosaic character of the reservation comes from interlacing different ecosystems [rivers, puddles, swamps, meadows, pastures and forests] and major parts of it are: old river banks of the Begej and Perleska Bara, Tiganjica and Carska bara, the jewel of the nature.
Every one of the eight European heron species nests here, so this bird is our trade mark. 250 different bird species [140 nonmigratory and 110 migratory species] represent the greatest treasure of the reservation. Many of these birds can be found in the Red Book of endangered species. Concerning the mammal fauna, importance of this region lies in the presence of the otter and the wild cat, very rare and endangered species in Europe.
because of these natural values, and mainly as the significant habitat of swamp birds, this reservation is acclaimed Ramsar and IBA region and it's under the protection of UNESCO. The sound of silence and the song of the nature are being heard here.
- 08.00h Deprture from the assigned terminal.
- Leaving for Carska bara. A visit to Carska bara, a well known natural reservation, where over 300 bird species nests.
- A motor boat ride throught Carska bara, with the professional tourist guide.
- A walk on the Wellness path [with the possibility of renting a bike].
- Lunch in the hotel restaurant Sibila ** [high quality hotel conformed with natural surrounding, restaurant with terrace, air condition in the whole object]
- Free time.
- Return in the afternoon hours.
- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].
Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportatioon [bus or minivan]
-a visit to reservation
- lunch in the Sibila hotel restaurant
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance
Price of the arrangement does not include: bike rental
Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.
Zasavica - Special natural reservation
Long time ago, 33km long Zasavica stream has been named "Bara" ["Puddle"] by the local people. The reason for that was the green cover made of rich water vegetation, which in some parts slows the stream, creating the illusion of total stillness. This stream makes possible the survival of many diferent plant and animal species. In order to preserve this world of rare flora an fauna, in 1997. Zasavica and its side had been put under the State protection, as a natural treasure of great importance. Zasavica is an oasis for almost 200 diferent plant species, 120 bird species and about 20 species of fish, amphibians and reptiles.
This year in April, thanks to the present of The Bavarian government, Zasavica got back its former inmate, European beaver, which is now again a respected habitant of this beautiful reservation.
We must point out that the greatest acknowledgment for preservation goes to always good - willing locals who live nearby and with Zasavica.
A lot has been written about Zasavica. It lives in many songs, but the most beautiful stories and songs you will hear from Zasavica itself. A boat ride throught Zasavica represents a true pleasure for all of those who enjoy foto safari, because its nature will never leave you indifferent.
08:00h Departure from Belgrade
09:30h Arrival in Sremska Mitrovica. Coffee break. A visit to the Roman imperial town of Sirmium. A visit to Museum of Srem.
11:30h Crossing over beautiful St. Irinej pedestrial bridge to Mačvanska Mitrovica
12:00h - 12:30h Continuing the Journey to Ravanj, to the "Zeka Buljbasa's bush" [a place where, in 1813, a battle between hajduks and a lot more powerful Turkish army took place].
13:00h Continuing the journey to Glogovac [a place where writer Janko Veselinović was born and died]
13:30h - 15:00h A visit to the ethnic park and museum in Sovljak; theatre show in amateur theatre from Ravnaj. Coffee break.
15.30h Return to SRP Zasavica ride by Umbra boat, lunch, Gipsy string Orchestra
Note: Lunch time is at 17:00h.
Leaving after the guests are tired of the fresh Zasavica's air.
- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].
Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportation
- traditional welcoming serving
- lunch in the country house
- boat ride
- musical program - gypsy strings
- coffee in Sovljak
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance
Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.
The agency keeps the right of canceling the excursion 5 days before departure if not enough passengers had applied.
This year in April, thanks to the present of The Bavarian government, Zasavica got back its former inmate, European beaver, which is now again a respected habitant of this beautiful reservation.
We must point out that the greatest acknowledgment for preservation goes to always good - willing locals who live nearby and with Zasavica.
A lot has been written about Zasavica. It lives in many songs, but the most beautiful stories and songs you will hear from Zasavica itself. A boat ride throught Zasavica represents a true pleasure for all of those who enjoy foto safari, because its nature will never leave you indifferent.
08:00h Departure from Belgrade
09:30h Arrival in Sremska Mitrovica. Coffee break. A visit to the Roman imperial town of Sirmium. A visit to Museum of Srem.
11:30h Crossing over beautiful St. Irinej pedestrial bridge to Mačvanska Mitrovica
12:00h - 12:30h Continuing the Journey to Ravanj, to the "Zeka Buljbasa's bush" [a place where, in 1813, a battle between hajduks and a lot more powerful Turkish army took place].
13:00h Continuing the journey to Glogovac [a place where writer Janko Veselinović was born and died]
13:30h - 15:00h A visit to the ethnic park and museum in Sovljak; theatre show in amateur theatre from Ravnaj. Coffee break.
15.30h Return to SRP Zasavica ride by Umbra boat, lunch, Gipsy string Orchestra
Note: Lunch time is at 17:00h.
Leaving after the guests are tired of the fresh Zasavica's air.
- Transportation by Minivan tourist class minivan [CD player]
- Transportation by bus tourist class bus [high floor, TV/CD player, air condition].
Price of the arrangement includes:
- transportation
- traditional welcoming serving
- lunch in the country house
- boat ride
- musical program - gypsy strings
- coffee in Sovljak
- services of the local guide
- trip organization and guidance
Minimal number of passengers is 35 for bus and 14 for mini-van.
The agency keeps the right of canceling the excursion 5 days before departure if not enough passengers had applied.
Tito`s Blue Train, Serbia
Blue train is a popular name for a special train used for the needs of Josip Broz Tito, defunct President of the Socialistic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Today, transport facilities of the Blue Train, completely authentic, are capable of exploitation within Serbia as well as on the international railways.
Tourist Train Romantika
In the special offer of the Serbian Railways there are one - day excursions with "Romance" to: Srremski Karlovci, Smederevo, Vrnjačka Banja, Palic, Požarevac, Vršac. Ticket price includes: Seat reservation, Transport of one bicycle, Free parking place at the Belgrade Railway Station on the day when the ticket is valid.
Selling places:
- Belgrade Railway Station desk no. 10
- Vuk's Monument Station tel: 011 337 - 00 - 47
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 5m. Milovanovica Street, tel: 011 641 - 258
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 21 Decanska Street, tel: 011 323 - 53 - 35
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency Novi Sad, 4 Mileticeva Street, tel: 021 621 - 987
- Agencija Recreatours 3 Dragoslava Jovanovica Street, tel: 011 323 - 05 - 58
- Five Star Agency 10 Student's Square, tel: 011 328 - 50 - 78, 328 - 46 - 51
- Zelturist Travel Agency 52 - 54 Balkanska Street, tel: 011 683 - 056, 683 - 046
- Ponta Agency 47 Kralja Milana Street, tel: 011 334 - 40 - 84, 324 - 02 - 94
- Magelan Agency Novi Sad, 23 Zmaj Jovina, tel: 021 420 - 680, 065 624 - 35 - 26
You can get more information at the Direction for the Passenger Transport of the Public of the Serbian Railways, working Days from 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Selling places:
- Belgrade Railway Station desk no. 10
- Vuk's Monument Station tel: 011 337 - 00 - 47
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 5m. Milovanovica Street, tel: 011 641 - 258
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency 21 Decanska Street, tel: 011 323 - 53 - 35
- KSR Belgradeturs Agency Novi Sad, 4 Mileticeva Street, tel: 021 621 - 987
- Agencija Recreatours 3 Dragoslava Jovanovica Street, tel: 011 323 - 05 - 58
- Five Star Agency 10 Student's Square, tel: 011 328 - 50 - 78, 328 - 46 - 51
- Zelturist Travel Agency 52 - 54 Balkanska Street, tel: 011 683 - 056, 683 - 046
- Ponta Agency 47 Kralja Milana Street, tel: 011 334 - 40 - 84, 324 - 02 - 94
- Magelan Agency Novi Sad, 23 Zmaj Jovina, tel: 021 420 - 680, 065 624 - 35 - 26
You can get more information at the Direction for the Passenger Transport of the Public of the Serbian Railways, working Days from 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Down the Danube to Eastern Serbia / Two-day excursions
Golubac, a unique fortress at the Djeparska gorge's entrance built on a ridge above the Danube with its nine towers from which Prince Lazar controlled this route as early as 14 century. Lepenski Vir, a world - renowned archaeological site with a reconstructed Neolithic settlement. The Vratna canyon with its three amazing "gates" carved by the river Vratna in chalk cliffs.
Rajačke pivnice, a village of 300 wine cellars where top - quality wine exported to France used to be produced. Today rarely visited only by those with the privilege to taste wine in the still functioning cellars.
Romulijana, the best-preserved locality of late antiquity in Serbia, protected by UNESCO.
Imperial palace of the emperor Galerius, born and buried here with his mother Romula.
Ethnic Serbian Tour The Ovcarsko Kablarska gorge through which the river Western Morava carves its way and whose inaccessible slopes hide 10 Serbian Orthodox monasteries from 16 and 17 centuries which is why it is also called the "Little Serbian Holy Mountain" [i. e. Mt Athos].
Sirogojno, the oldest regular ethnic locality in Serbia, a village - museum with typical log dwellings furnished in corresponding style and equipped with utensils. A wooden church of St. Peter and Paul. A restaurant with local culinary specialties.
Zlatibor, a tourist and mountain resort at 1000m. The highest mountain is Tornik. In winter full of skiers, in summer full of hikers enjoying the fresh air and rolling meadows.
Sarganska osmica, a narrow gauge railway along which up to 1974 a train from Belgrade via Sarajevo to Dubrovnik crossed the mountain saddle between Mokra Gora and Sargan, a height difference of 300m. Today used as a tourist attraction and outdoor railway museum.
Drvengrad, built by Emir Kusturica on the hill Mecavnik while shooting his film "Life is a Wonder" and succumbing to the beauty of the local countryside.
Rajačke pivnice, a village of 300 wine cellars where top - quality wine exported to France used to be produced. Today rarely visited only by those with the privilege to taste wine in the still functioning cellars.
Romulijana, the best-preserved locality of late antiquity in Serbia, protected by UNESCO.
Imperial palace of the emperor Galerius, born and buried here with his mother Romula.
Ethnic Serbian Tour The Ovcarsko Kablarska gorge through which the river Western Morava carves its way and whose inaccessible slopes hide 10 Serbian Orthodox monasteries from 16 and 17 centuries which is why it is also called the "Little Serbian Holy Mountain" [i. e. Mt Athos].
Sirogojno, the oldest regular ethnic locality in Serbia, a village - museum with typical log dwellings furnished in corresponding style and equipped with utensils. A wooden church of St. Peter and Paul. A restaurant with local culinary specialties.
Zlatibor, a tourist and mountain resort at 1000m. The highest mountain is Tornik. In winter full of skiers, in summer full of hikers enjoying the fresh air and rolling meadows.
Sarganska osmica, a narrow gauge railway along which up to 1974 a train from Belgrade via Sarajevo to Dubrovnik crossed the mountain saddle between Mokra Gora and Sargan, a height difference of 300m. Today used as a tourist attraction and outdoor railway museum.
Drvengrad, built by Emir Kusturica on the hill Mecavnik while shooting his film "Life is a Wonder" and succumbing to the beauty of the local countryside.
Dundjerski Castle / One-day excursions
A picturesque castle in the Vojvodina plain near Bečej, nowadays hotel "Fantast". The pre - war landowner and wealthy heir, Bogdan Dundjerski built the castle between 1919 and 1923 together with a church and chapel the latter of which was decorated by the owner's close friend, the famous Uros Predic. Dundjerski, a passionate lover of horses set up a stud farm with 1.400 thoroughbred horses which still exists today on a somewhat smaller scale.
Subotica - Palic - Karadjordjevo / One-day excursions
Subotica, the economic and cultural centre of North Vojvodina, near the Hungarian border. Its beauty is enhanced by numerous hotels, restaurants and beaches. Karadjordjevo, near Subotica is a famous stud farm established as far back as 1885 as a property of the Austro - Hungarian empire. It still today breeds race horses. It is set within a hunting reservation whose stags, wild boars and moufflons attract hunters from around Europe.
Down the Danube to the Southeast / One-day excursions
Vinca, an archaeological site which reveals the oldest organized settlements in Europe from Neolithic times after which the culture of the central Balkans and the Pannonian plain is called the "Vinca" culture. Smederevo, a medieval town of the last great Serbian ruler Djuradj Brankovic of the early 15 century with a well - preserved fortress on the Danube's bank.
Kovacica, Naïve Painters’ Village / One-day excursions
In 1802 the village of Kovacica with a Slovak ethnic minority was established fifty kilometres from Belgrade. In this village of numerous crafts especially developed were naive arts which have been made famous throughout the world, in the first place, by Zuzana Halupova and Martin Jonas. The international ethno centre Babka promotes unique artistic features of the region.
Nemanjic's Monasteries / One-day excursions
Nemanjic's Monasteries - The monastery of Zica, a foundation of King Stefan the First - Crowned from the beginning of 13 century. It used to be the seat of the first Serbian archbishopric and archbishop Sava Nemanjic. Here was crowned Stefan the First - Crowned, the first Serbian ruler "wreathed by the royal crown" in 1217.
Studenica monastery, a foundation of Stefan Nemanja which the creator of the Serbian state and church built at the peak of his power toward the end of 12 century was the seat of creation of first Serbian literary works and early Serbian fresco painting. The Church of the Virgin served also as the mausoleum of the dynasty and its founder.
Studenica monastery, a foundation of Stefan Nemanja which the creator of the Serbian state and church built at the peak of his power toward the end of 12 century was the seat of creation of first Serbian literary works and early Serbian fresco painting. The Church of the Virgin served also as the mausoleum of the dynasty and its founder.
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