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Showing posts with label Guca Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guca Music. Show all posts

Brass band Barka, Knjazevac

Orchestra Brass band “Barka”, Knjazevac

The Barka Brass Band comes from the small town of Knjazevac in eastern Serbia, near the Bulgarian border. With their black suits and hats, they look like they have escaped from the film The Blues Brothers. This dynamic brass ensemble’s finest achievement came last year with their victory at the Guča Trumpet Festival 2012, a kind of unofficial world championship for brass bands. Warning: this stuff is explosive!

Darko Dimitrijevic was born in Knjazevac in 1980. year. He began playing trumpet at the age of fifteenth year. He finished secondary music school in the class of Professor Mile Paunovic in Negotin. At the Academy of Music in Cetinje, completed undergraduate studies in the class of Professor Mladen Djordjevic, where along with a horn section and theoretically studied. He was engaged as first trumpet of the Montenegro Symphony Orchestra. He is currently employed in the “Symphony Orchestra of city Nis” as first solo trumpet. In addition to classical music, a great connoisseur of ethno sound from Balkan region, especially in Eastern Serbia, which is the theme of his new CD, which is in preparation.

Ivan Kostic was born in 1983 in Nis. He finish secondary school for machine technician in Knjazevac. Actively start to playing piano from 1997. Forming Orchestra Brass band “Barka” from Knjazevca, in 1998. years, he began playing the trumpet. Along with tenor horn, he playing acoustic drums and percussion. Awards and Recognition: With Orchestra Brass band “Barka” performed, except in Serbia, in many cities and countries around the world, where he won many awards. The biggest prizes won in competitions in Guca: In the category Youth Orchestras: second place twice time, and once first place. In the senior category, “The Golden Apple” the best band award for best performed folk dance. At the international Guca Trumpet Festival competition: the best band. Collaboration: The music band and Orchestra Brass band “Barka” has cooperation and joint appearances with orchestras ”Balkanika” Sanja Ilic and “Black and White World” by Dejan Pejovic.

Milos Velickovic was born in 1984 in Knjazevac. Milos finish secondary school for machine technician in Knjazevac. With music he deals since 1996, then began to play the accordion with keyboard. He forming Orchestra Brass band “Barka” from Knjazevca, in the 1998. year, when he started to play the trumpet. Awards and Recognition: With Orchestra Brass band "Barka" he has performed at many events, festivals in Serbia, in many cities and countries around the world and won many awards. The biggest prize was in competition in Guca like the youngest band: 2004. and 2005.,  second place, and in 2006. he won first place. In the senior category: 2011 he won “The Golden Apple” award for the best band in 2012 and the award for Best performed round. At the international competition: 2013. his band get award for the best Guca Brass band. Collaboration: He has cooperation with many famous musicians and composers, and had the honor to be with orchestra “Balkanika” of composer Sanja Ilic.

Dejan Petkovic was born in 1985. in Knjazevac. Elementary and secondary school ended in Knjazevac and at the moment he study the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. Music deals than in 1998. year, on their own initiative and with the support of friends. Also he is one of the founders of Orchestra Brass band "Barka" in which he began playing bass. Awards and honors: Awards at Guca Competition in 2006. year, the award for the best original Guca music in 2011., the best Guca Brass band in 2012, as well as awards for world best international band at the Guca Trumpet competition in 2013. year. With the Orchestra Brass band “Barka” successfully wins many competitions in Eastern Serbia, since 2009. year. From individual award, he won the best bass musician in front of the trumpet players in Eastern Serbia. Collaboration: Under the direction of Professor Darko Dimitrijevic successfully working on the new CD for the music band of Sanja ilic.

Ivan Milenkovic was born in 1983. in Knjazevac. Elementary music school ended in Knjazevac. Secondary music school in Negotin. In elementary school, his first musical direction was harmonica, and later musical direction trumpet. After he ended secondary school, Ivan has began playing with Orchestra Brass band “Barka”. Awards and Recognition: With the Orchestra Brass band “Barka” successfully wins many competitions, except in Serbia, in many cities and countries around the world and he won many awards. The greatest awards are on the Trumpet Festival in Guca. In the category Youth Orchestras: second place twice time, and one time first place. In the senior category, he won “The Golden Apple” award for the best band and award for best performed folk dance. At the international competition he won award for best Brass band.

Milan Stanisic was born in 1986. in Knjazevac. He finished secondary school, technician for  construction, in Knjazevac. Music deals since 1995., when he began playing drums. With a Orchestra Brass band "Barka" starts cooperation since 2009. year. Awards and Recognition: With Orchestra Brass band "Barka" performed at many music events in Serbia, Europe and worldwide. With the orchestra has won many awards in Guca Trumpet Festival: Award for etno playing in 2011., award for the best brass band in 2012, award for best international brass band in the world in 2013. From individual award he won award for the best drummer in the pre-competition in Trumpet Festival in Eastern Serbia in 2012.

Mladen Velickovic was born in 1987. in Knjazevac. He finished secondary school, technician for  construction in Knjazevac. Music deals start in 1998., when he began playing in the Orchestra Brass band “Barka” from Knjazevca. With the orchestra has performed in many musical events and festivals in Serbia. Awards and Recognition: With Orchestra Brass band “Barka” won many awards in Guca: In the category Youth Orchestras: 2004. and 2005., the second place, in 2006. he won the first place. In the senior category: 2011. get the award “The Golden Apple” for the best brass band of 2012, and the award for Best performed round. At the international competition he get award in 2013. for the best brass band in the world. From individual prizes awarded for the best tenor in Eastern Serbia in 2001.

Dejan Dimitrijevic was born in Knjazevac in 1984. year. After he finished secondary school in Knjazevac, Dejan continued their education in Nis, on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Transportation, where in 2007 he received the degree of traffic engineers. Music starts practicing in his fifteenth year. He finished elementary music school, in the class of Professor Dobrivoja Krstic. Dejan later switched to tenor and started playing in the Orchestra Brass band “Barka”. Participate on all competitions in Guca since 1998.  Dejan won many prestigious music awards. He has performed in concerts all over Serbia, Europe, and in festivals in Asia and Africa.

Saban Bajramovic

Saban Bajramovic is the most prolific and the most celebrated Roma singer, composer and poet in the Balkans. Among thousands of articles and studies written throughout the world about this author, there is not a single one which does not link his name with the expression "The King of Roma music".

Saban Bajramovic was born on April 16, 1936 in Nis (Serbia). He almost did not attend the school while picking up musical education, alike many of his people, on street.

When he was nineteen, he deserted the army because of love, and later was sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Goli Otok isolation facility on an island in the Adriatic sea. However, as he told the military court that there was no sentence long enough for him to serve it, the sentence was extended to five and a half years.

However, while serving his sentence at the Goli Otok facility, Šaban Bajramović founded a prison band which played, among other music, jazz, Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra songs, as well as Spanish and Mexican melodies. Nowadays, he says that Goli Otok was his life-university, where he formed the way he thinks. He made his first record in 1964, and nowadays, his discography consists of some twenty albums and more then fifty singles. He wrote and composed, as he said, about seven hundred songs. For more than twenty years, he has led “Crna Mamba” (Black Mamba), touring half of the world with the band. Upon invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, he visited India, where he was named for The King of the Gypsy World Music.

Dejan Petrovic trumpet master

Dejan Petrovic u Vršcu 
Najmlađi i višestruki pobednik Sabora trubača u Guči i prva truba sveta Dejan Petrović održaće sa svojim Big bendom veliki koncert u hali “Milenijum” u Vršcu 10. marta. 

- Kao i sve dosadašnje, i ovaj koncert posvećujem svojoj ćerki Jovani, najvećoj radosti i najvećem pokretaču u životu. 

Mnoge sam želje ispunio, ostala je još jedna, a to je svetska karijera. Želim da autentičan zvuk srpske trube pronesem svetom - kaže Dejan Petrović.
S. M. - Imamo repertoar i za popularnu glumicu. Samo neka dođe, biće oduševljena - poručuje Lazarević. Treći Dejan - Jevđić, upotpuniće muzički nastup velikana trube. Najmlađi u svetu nagrada za izvođenje na limenim instrumentima Dejan Jevđić je sa orkestrom “Zao Taro lajt” prošle godine podigao Zlatnu trubu Sabora. - Radimo predano. Svakodnevno vežbamo za Guču, a mene posebno raduje činjenica da ću nastupati sa imenjacima Lazarevićem i Petrovićem.

Moramo za taj koncert da odaberemo najbolji repertoar i budemo posebno dobri. Nema sumnje, ljubiteljima trube ostaće u pamćenju planirana svirka jer nagrade najbolje govore o kvalitetu trubača - kaže Jevđić. Koncert trojice Dejana, trubačkih superstarova, novina je ove godine. Dosad su najbolji svirali na ponoćnom koncertu, a “Tri D” upriličen je kao poseban poklon organizatora ljubiteljima trube.

Dejan Lazarević: Uskoro će svetlost dana ugledati novi CD sa specifičnim balkanskim zvukom koji je Lazarević radio u saradnji sa popularnim čačanskim bendom.

- Nastupićemo verovatno u nešto modernijoj varijanti na ovogodišnjem Saboru trubača. Naravno, srpska tradicija je deo svakog našeg nastupa, ali ove godine ćemo koncert obogatiti novim numerama, veoma zanimljivim. Planirano goste, u svakom slučaju obećavamo odličnu zabavu i kvalitetan program - kaže Lazarević. On dodaje da bi ga radovalo da u Guču dođu zvučna imena poput filmske dive Džulije Roberts, pa ako se to obistini, Lazarević će kao i njegov kolega biti spreman.

Milos Velickovic trumpet player

Milos Velickovic was born in 1984 in Knjazevac. Milos finish secondary school for machine technician in Knjazevac. With music he deals since 1996, then began to play the accordion with keyboard. He forming Orchestra Brass band “Barka” from Knjazevca, in the 1998. year, when he started to play the trumpet. Awards and Recognition: With Orchestra Brass band "Barka" he has performed at many events, festivals in Serbia, in many cities and countries around the world and won many awards.

The biggest prize was in competition in Guca like the youngest band: 2004. and 2005.,  second place, and in 2006. he won first place. In the senior category: 2011 he won “The Golden Apple” award for the best band in 2012 and the award for Best performed round. At the international competition: 2013. his band get award for the best Guca Brass band. Collaboration: He has cooperation with many famous musicians and composers, and had the honor to be with orchestra “Balkanika” of composer Sanja Ilic.

Dejan Petrovic

Dejan Petrovic u Vrscu

Najmlađi i višestruki pobednik Sabora trubača u Guči i prva truba sveta Dejan Petrović održaće sa svojim Big bendom veliki koncert u hali “Milenijum” u Vršcu 10. marta.
- Kao i sve dosadašnje, i ovaj koncert posvećujem svojoj ćerki Jovani, najvećoj radosti i najvećem pokretaču u životu. Mnoge sam želje ispunio, ostala je još jedna, a to je svetska karijera. Želim da autentičan zvuk srpske trube pronesem svetom - kaže Dejan Petrović. S. M.

- Imamo repertoar i za popularnu glumicu. Samo neka dođe, biće oduševljena - poručuje Lazarević.

Treći Dejan - Jevđić, upotpuniće muzički nastup velikana trube. Najmlađi u svetu nagrada za izvođenje na limenim instrumentima Dejan Jevđić je sa orkestrom “Zao Taro lajt” prošle godine podigao Zlatnu trubu Sabora.

- Radimo predano. Svakodnevno vežbamo za Guču, a mene posebno raduje činjenica da ću nastupati sa imenjacima Lazarevićem i Petrovićem. Moramo za taj koncert da odaberemo najbolji repertoar i budemo posebno dobri. Nema sumnje, ljubiteljima trube ostaće u pamćenju planirana svirka jer nagrade najbolje govore o kvalitetu trubača - kaže Jevđić.

Koncert trojice Dejana, trubačkih superstarova, novina je ove godine. Dosad su najbolji svirali na ponoćnom koncertu, a “Tri D” upriličen je kao poseban poklon organizatora ljubiteljima trube.

Dejan Lazarevic: Uskoro će svetlost dana ugledati novi CD sa specifičnim balkanskim zvukom koji je Lazarević radio u saradnji sa popularnim čačanskim bendom.

Dejan Petrovic
Dejan vec spremio repertoar

- Nastupićemo verovatno u nešto modernijom varijanti na ovogodišnjem Saboru trubača. Naravno, srpska tradicija je deo svakog našeg nastupa, ali ove godine ćemo koncert obogatiti novim numerama, veoma zanimljivim. Planirano goste, u svakom slučaju obećavamo odličnu zabavu i kvalitetan program - kaže Lazarević. On dodaje da bi ga radovalo da u Guču dođu zvučna imena poput filmske dive Džulije Roberts, pa ako se to obistini, Lazarević će kao i njegov kolega biti spreman.

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